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    Clip Description


    1) Laura was a professional dominatrix, but the archaic conservative government has been fighting this a lot to push women back into a submissive role. Whoever gets caught gets a quick trial and, if found guilty, is immediately sent to the guillotine and terminated.
    Laura is a very demanded dominatrix, who has always felt safe considering many conservative MP's are amongst her clients. But, one day some traitor reported her and she is about to get trial. She is on the phone with her lawyer, who used to be another client of hers. She is dressed in casual clothing, trying to keep a really low girl next door profile.
    The lawyer hasn't showed up yet. He informs her that he's trapped in a traffic jam and will be late. Now she's very scared and for the first time she is the one who begs, but he tries to reassure her reminding the fact that many conservative politicians are slaves to her so they won't allow this to happen.

    2) The lawyer arrives just in time to see Laura, who has been condemned and will be guillotined in minutes. She is almost crying, saying that they have been absolutely ferocious, she didn't even get the chance to say anything. She clearly got the feeling that many of them were scared, and in order to protect themselves decided to turn the page and send their mistress to the guillotine. "Vile slaves, a beheaded mistress can't talk, and can always be replaced by another one", she observes.
    "And you" - And she turns quite evil and angry - "You didn't even bother to show up on time to defend me. you really deserve to be under my soles!"

    And she takes this literally: she says that she told the guards (as a last wish) to have her lawyer locked in the room where her body is placed after execution, as a moral punishment to "realize what he has done by being late, and make him feel guilty and responsible for her death"
    "But, I didn't tell them that once you're in you are *obliged* to kneel down and worship my feet with devotion, as that's all you can do in your miserable life".

    3) The lawyer gets locked in the dark room where Laura's guillotined body has been put. Still dressed in her casual style, still warm. laying on the slab on the tummy. The head lays on the slab as well, in a deadly expression.
    He talks to her dead face "So here I am now, do you think I feel guilty, do you think I care?" - And he searches her pockets and steals what he can find on the body (such as rings etc.)
    "But I loved how you treated me earlier. Guess who reported you to the police?" [closeup of her dead face, no longer able to hear him]
    He kicks off her shoes and socks and licks her bare soles making fun of her, while her dead eyes stare into nothing.
    "I do this because I love it, not because of your stupid orders.And your rates were so high. At least now I get to worship these feet for free, and use my money in a better way"

    With her feet still in his mouth, he makes a phone call to a friend who works in the prison, asking how much it would take to make the body disappear from the records and "reappearing" in her car trunk. Things seem to work out well.
    With the feet still in his mouth, he makes a second phone call to a NBM company, asking how much they charge for turning a female headless body into a living doll. Things seem to work out well again.

    4) At home, we see Laura's body dressed in a sexy outfit (or underwear if you prefer), white stockings and high heels. The body has been reanimated NBM style and it's moving sensually. The lawyer steps in, and mocks her by kneeling before her calling her Mistress. He slips the shoes off and starts massaging the feet, then moving onto worhipping them, leaving the white stockings on. The body moves its feet sensually on his face.

    Starring: Laura Smith
    Keywords: Feet, Headless, Necro, Surreal, Willing

    Clip Duration:      14 minutes
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    mp4105.17 MB

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A women wearing work clothes (baggy pants, deck shoes, t-shirt, hat, coveralls, gloves...sort of a disheveled look) puts the finishing touches on the small guillotine she has built. She hopes to send damsel-in-distress sample pictures of herself in response to a magazine ad calling for models...she wants to break into the "scream-queen"/horror genre of film and thinks this is her chance.

She disappears off screen to change her clothes. We see the blade all of a sudden drop by itself...clearly it hasn't been secured properly...a harbinger of things to come.

She return with some sexy clothes and notices the blade is down. She muses that she had left it up. Oh well, she must be mistaken, and lifts the blade back into place....its not supposed to come down on its own.

While she waits for her photographer friend to show up, she puts up her hair, slips into some lingerie (or leather wear...I don't care), puts on some seamed stockings and high heeled shoes seductively. Her friend arrives...he is a little shocked by the guillotine and asks about it. She tells him that it is just a prop, perfectly safe...she built it herself. She thinks it will be great addition to her sample portfolio.  She then poses on/around the guillotine at his direction, crossing her legs, showing them off, etc.

Eventually, she pulls out some handcuffs and tells her friend that she wants some pictures with her head inside the lunette....he's not so sure. The guillotine is set up WITHOUT the basket...she kneels before it (the short plank is installed), puts her own head in the lunette and offers herself up to be handcuffed...he takes a few pictures from varied angles of her acting seductive and alternatively scared. She then suggests her turn her around...he helps her out and uncuffs her....she then sits on the short plank and lays backwards on the guillotine with her head in the lunette....her legs extend beyond the plank, with her feet on the floor...she crosses her legs in this manner. He cuffs her hands behind her back under the plank.

He then takes a few pictures, then suggests they add the basket...she agrees.

While he is installing the basket, the blade unexpectedly drops with her head dropping into the basket (hopefully we can see this).  he stands up, looking at the headless body in the guillotine...oh my, what should he do?

Better clean up the mess...he takes the basket away with the head still in it...then continues his photography work, saying that these pictures are especially going to sell very well. We see the headless body from the side, legs still crossed and still in the guillotine

The scene ends with her sitting in NBM style without her head, musing about just how well this didn't work out....she should have tested the guillotine to make the sure the blade was secure

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